Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Cheerleading Weather Update - 2/13 10:45am In working closely with all entities related to the OSAA Cheerleading State Championships and in consideration of recent weather events,
an updated schedule has been put in place. Game Day schedule for Friday has been moved to Sunday, 2/16. Saturday schedules remains unchanged. View Updates & New Schedule
All Member Schools

Pendleton High School



School Type

Public School

Regular District

4A-6 Greater Oregon League

School District

Pendleton School District 16

Region / County

Eastern / Umatilla County



School Phone

(541) 966-3802



1800 NW Carden Ave
Pendleton, OR 97801

Hy-Tek Code




NFHS Network

Contact Information

Position Name Phone
Superintendent Kevin Headings (541) 966-3251
Principal Patrick Dutcher (541) 966-3806
Assistant Principal Curt Thompson (541) 966-3807
Athletic Director Mike Somnis (541) 966-3805
Athletics Secretary Micki Zander (541) 966-3802
Bookkeeper / Accountant Marti McGraw (541) 966-3803
Athletic Trainer Trey Reed (541) 429-2286


Sports / Activities

Activity Head Coach League Coop Teams
Football Erik Davis
4A-SD5 Special District 5 Pendleton / Nixyaawii V, JV, JV2
Volleyball Jodi Primus
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V, JV, JV2
Boys Soccer Evan Brandhagen
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V, JV
Girls Soccer Kiana Rickman
4A-6 Greater Oregon League Pendleton / Weston-McEwen V, JV
Boys Cross Country Madelyn Naughton
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Girls Cross Country Madelyn Naughton
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Boys Basketball Ron Murphy
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V, JV, FR
Girls Basketball Tim Foster
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V, JV, JV2
Boys Swimming Tony Nelson
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD1 Special District 1 V
Girls Swimming Tony Nelson
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD1 Special District 1 V
Boys Wrestling Trevor Hancock
4A-SD4 Special District 4 V
Girls Wrestling Trevor Hancock
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD3 Special District 3 V
Dance/Drill Debbie Kishpaugh
6A/5A/4A/3A/2A/1A-CMB Combined V
Cheerleading Shawnna Van Sickle
6A/5A/4A/3A/2A/1A-CMB Combined V
Baseball Justin Speer
4A-6 Greater Oregon League Pendleton / Nixyaawii V, JV, FR
Softball Tim Cary
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V, JV
Boys Track & Field Andrew Sneed
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Girls Track & Field Andrew Sneed
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Boys Tennis Wells Jones
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD5 Special District 5 V
Girls Tennis Stu Clem
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD5 Special District 5 V
Boys Golf Marc Sokoloski
4A-SD4 Special District 4 Pendleton / Griswold V
Girls Golf Dave Curtis
4A/3A/2A/1A-SD6 Special District 6 Pendleton / Griswold V
Orchestra Emily Muller-Cary
ORC-SD7 Special District 7 V
Band Andy Cary
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Choir Emily Muller-Cary
4A-6 Greater Oregon League V
Solo Music Andy Cary
OMEA-6 OMEA District 6 V
Speech Evan Rummerfield
SPE-9 Speech District 9 V