[Editor’s note: “Take Five” is a recurring feature designed to offer a quick look at some of Oregon’s most interesting high school sports standouts. This spring, Take Five will focus exclusively on seniors, whose final high school seasons have been disrupted by the coronavirus and may never actually occur. Today, we spend time with Kade Wisher, a Jesuit senior on the Crusader baseball team. Wisher is better known as the speedy All-State running back who rushed for nearly 2,500 yards and 32 touchdowns last fall, but he also was the left fielder for the 2019 Jesuit state championship baseball team. We asked Wisher to answer five questions from the 25 we posed to him. He spent considerable time crafting his responses.]
OSAAtoday: Would you rather be famous on Instagram, YouTube or twitter? Why and what would you be famous for?
Kade Wisher: I would rather be famous on YouTube over Instagram and Twitter. I would like to be famous for making videos about exploring nature and participating in outdoor activities such as camping, snowboarding, surfing, hiking, etc. I spend a good chunk of my free time outdoors whether it be walking my dog, playing golf with my friends, or playing sports. Being able to get away from electronics and be able to get fresh air and exercise is fulfilling and calming. I would gather a few friends up and we would drive to the Gorge and hike a trail to a waterfall or swimming hole. Then, we would jump from high rocks or cliffs into the swimming hole safely. I have always been interested in adrenaline junkie-type activities ever since I was a kid. In my videos I would encourage viewers to get outside and savor the outdoors and all the natural things in this world and help raise awareness for pollution and climate change and advocate for the preservation of our world.
OSAAtoday: You have to cook dinner for yourself and any three people in the world currently living. With whom do you dine and why and what are you serving?
Wisher: The people that I would invite to my dinner party are Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, and Elton John. I choose Brad Pitt and Matthew McConaughey because I enjoy the movies that they are in and because I would like to live lives as they do. I chose Elton John because I like his music a lot and believe he would bring a unique perspective to the dinner table and seems like a great conversationalist. I would serve RingSide steaks because that is my favorite meal. Having all three of these celebrities at my dinner table would be fun because Mr. McConaughey and Mr. Pitt would be doing impressions of people and Elton John could cap off the night with some “Bennie and the Jets.”
OSAAtoday: If you find yourself stranded on a deserted island and can only have one movie that you’re able to watch, what movie do you choose and why?
Wisher: I would choose ‘Top Gun’ because of the soundtrack. A movie with a good soundtrack makes it 10 times more appealing and entertaining. I choose Top Gun not only for the soundtrack, but because I have had a fascination for planes since I was a child. My grandfather collects and flies model airplanes, so when I was little he would let me fly them and help him build them. Also, the call signs Iceman, Maverick, and Hollywood are sweet. My family recently rescued a German Shepard from a shelter and I decided to name him Maverick after Tom Cruise in the movie. I have probably seen the movie at least 10 times in my life and I still am eager to watch it.
OSAAtoday: If you HAD to go on a reality show, which would it be and why?
Wisher: I would probably choose ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians.’ I don’t watch it much unless my mom is watching it. Sometimes it will be on TV and I will sit on the couch and before I know it I will be immersed in the show. It’s pretty entertaining not going to lie. I think hanging out with the Kardashians for a day would be insanely fun. Also, Travis Scott is a part of their family and spends some time on the show as well and being on the show would give me a chance to meet him and hang out with him. I would also like to see what goes on behind the scenes on the show and see how the world famous Kardashian family lives.
OSAAtoday: If you were the school principal for a day, what would you do?
Wisher: I would make lunch longer by 10 minutes and have games of pick-up basketball, have a school wide game of team tag, and then a pep rally to finish off the day. Of course we would get all our classes in, but only by shortening the periods.
Read other Take Five articles published in connection with the 2020 spring season: