To: Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors and Head Coaches
From: Peter Weber, Executive Director
Subject: OSAA Update
We wanted to update the membership on the latest involving the pandemic and OSAA activities, along with a request to help collect data on the impact school closures have had on the physical health and well-being of students.
While many areas of the state are preparing to re-open under the Governor’s latest information, the current moratorium-like suspension of facilities and coach/student physical interaction remains in place through the end of the Association Year (May 25) regardless of your county’s phase.
OSAA Staff is continuing to seek clarification on the Governor’s latest information and are working with our partners at Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Department of Education (ODE), along with our own Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC), on guidance for schools for summer activities, summer camps, use of school facilities, etc.
In addition, we have formed contingency groups for each Fall sport/activity, comprised of athletic directors and coaches from around the state, with each group working on a variety of possible scenarios/modifications for the Fall season. These efforts are grounded in the premise that schools will be back in session with in-person learning of some kind and that resocialization is allowed by federal, state and local directives.
The OSAA Executive Board will meet on May 20 to review the latest information and we plan to have updated information out to schools shortly thereafter.
Please note that the OSAA Executive Board did eliminate this year’s Moratorium Week which had been set for late July.
For current guidance, please see the information posted by the OSAA at: http://www.osaa.org/coronavirus.
Study on the Impact of School Closures on the Health of High School Students
The OSAA and NFHS are partnering with Dr. Timothy McGuine of the University of Wisconsin to help collect data for a study on the impact on school closures on high school students. The purpose of this study is to measure how the closure of schools across the country this spring has affected the physical health and well-being of high school students.
High school students who want to take part in the study are asked to click on the link to complete a short, anonymous, online survey. The survey asks participants a series of questions regarding their level of physical activity, potential anxiety, depression and their health related quality of life. Participating students are asked to get permission from their parents beforehand. Survey Link: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cVft70JKnEBOIMl
Please contact our staff via email with any questions as we are working remotely (http://www.osaa.org/contact).
Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the students and families in our state. Stay safe and be well.