To: Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors and Head Coaches
From: Peter Weber, Executive Director
Subject: OSAA Update
The OSAA Executive Board held an online meeting yesterday to discuss several topics regarding the COVID-19 situation. They have a regularly scheduled meeting set for May 4 via an online meeting.
Update on Current FAQs
Please see the guidance put out by the OSAA during this suspension period at http://www.osaa.org/coronavirus.
Member schools are reminded that high school athletic facility usage is prohibited until further notice. Many schools have removed equipment from facilities (jumping pits, hurdles, etc.) in recognition of potential liability concerns.
Remember that per Rule 7.3, no representative of a member school shall condition participation in high school athletics on participation in non-school events or workouts. Further, no member school may consider such participation when determining membership on, or participation in, high school competitive athletics.
Three new FAQs have been added in response to questions received and following discussion with the Executive Board.
Q: Can a student enter into an online speech and/or debate competition that requires them to perform via livestream?
A: Yes, if the student enters voluntarily and the event is on the NASSP list of approved national competitions. If the event is not on the approved NASSP list the student may compete but must do so as an unattached competitor (not representing their school).
Q: Can a student enter into virtual events that requires them to video and/or upload a performance?
A: Yes, provided the student enters the virtual event voluntarily and follows all requirements related to social distancing and gathering size maximums. Students are also reminded to adhere to current OSAA policy related to closure of all high school facilities until further notice.
Q: May coaches organize or require tryouts?
A: No, tryouts are inherently mandatory, and no mandatory activities may take place at this time. Coaches are not allowed to organize or require tryouts, including virtual tryouts, until further notice.
Until Further Notice and Moratorium Week
The Executive Board is keeping the current moratorium-like guidance in effect until further notice. Discussion also took place about the possibility of eliminating this year’s Moratorium Week (July 26-August 1) given the current moratorium-like situation. Both issues will be reviewed at their May 4 meeting.
Student Academic Eligibility
ODE released its 9th-11th grade guidance yesterday which maintained the current Oregon Diploma subject-area and credit requirements for the Class of 2021, 2022, and 2023. The guidance also requires Pass/Incomplete grading for Spring 2020 and states that students who were earning a passing mark in a course prior to school closure should not be academically penalized. Students who have been unable to access Distance Learning for All due to circumstances beyond their control will be able to seek an academic waiver through the OSAA’s standard process and, in accordance with the spirit of ODE’s guidance, the Executive Board has instructed OSAA Staff to continue to err on the side of students when ruling on these academic requests.
Pre-Participation Physical Exams
The OSAA Staff has been in contact with ODE regarding anticipated issues for students in obtaining Pre-Participation Physical Exams due to the state of the medical industry. Conversation has centered around a possible amendment to state statute for students that have an exam set to expire for the 2020-21 school year. Students that haven’t had an exam before would still need to meet that requirement prior to participation. More information to come on the status/timing of this possible amendment.
Administrative Fees for Baseball/Softball Officials Associations
OSAA Staff has received numerous inquiries regarding the payment of administrative fees for baseball and softball officials associations. Discussions have taken place with the Executive Board and the OAOA regarding these administrative fees, whether fees should be paid and, if so, how much should be paid.
As you know, the work of an officials association doesn’t begin when the games start. Associations, especially commissioners and treasurers, often begin their work months in advance to recruit members, collect schedules, verify certification of umpires, assign games, facilitate trainings, etc. This is similar to the work put in by athletic directors in advance of a season. It’s important for member schools to acknowledge the work that was done by their local associations prior to the cancellation of our Spring season and associations should be paid for that work. We strongly recommend that communication occur from the associations to the schools they service regarding these fees. It’s important to remember that all of us, member schools and officials associations alike, are in this together and that consideration and understanding is needed to support each other during these unprecedented times.
Please contact our staff via email with any questions as we are working remotely (http://www.osaa.org/contact).
Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the students and families in our state. Stay safe and be well.