Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Open Golf Tournaments

Status Date Gender Level Tournament Location Contact Notes Results
OPEN Wed. 4/30 Girls V Only 5A Girls State Preview Emerald Valley Golf Course Laine Wortman, PGA Reach out to Laine Wortman to register. 150 per team/ 30 for ind None Edit
OPEN Thurs. 5/1 Girls V Only 6A Girls State Preview Emerald Valley Laine Wortman, PGA Contact Laine to register 150/team 30/ind. None Edit
OPEN Thurs. 4/10 Girls V Only Cottage Grove Invitational Emerald Valley GC Holly Carnes None Edit
OPEN Wed. 4/16 Boys V Only 6A/5A Boys State Preview OGA OGA Golf Course Tyler Dube 11:30am start, 200 for team,40 for ind. None Edit
OPEN Wed. 4/23 Boys V Only 6A/5A Boys State Preview OGA OGA Golf Course Tyler Dube 11:30am start, 200 team, 40 Ind. None Edit
OPEN Fri. 4/11 Boys & Girls JV Only Siletz Valley Invitational Agate Beach Golf Course Korey Cimock Developmental 9 hole tournament for boys and girls. $5/player None Edit
OPEN Tues. 3/18 Girls V Only Annual Siuslaw Girls Invitational Florence Golf Links Chrissy Davis 10:00 am start time None Edit
OPEN Wed. 3/19 Boys V Only Annual Siuslaw Boys Invitational Florence Golf Links Chrissy Davis Start time 10:00 am None Edit
OPEN Mon. 5/5 Boys V Only 4A Boys State Preview Tournament Tokatee Golf Course Kennedy Swann $5 per player $5 token , 9AM start time. None Edit
OPEN Mon. 4/21 Girls V & JV Siuslaw Girls League 3A-SD4 Florence Golf Links Chrissy Davis JV and Varsity None Edit
OPEN Mon. 4/28 Boys V & JV Siuslaw Boys League 3A-SD2 Florence Golf Links Chuck Johnson 11:00 a.m. starting tee time None Edit
OPEN Mon. 3/17 Boys V Only Cougar Invitational Willamette Valley Country Club Aaron Smith 12:30 start, $300 a team, food after. None Edit
OPEN Tues. 4/29 Boys & Girls V Only 3A Boys and 4A/3A/2A/1A Girls State Preview Trysting Tree-Corvallis Hogan Arey $225 a Team - Includes range balls, coach cart, lunch, GF None Edit
OPEN Wed. 4/9 Boys V Only Molalla Invitational Arrowhead Country Club Mike Lord $150 per team. 12noon start None Edit